Energy saving in companies

To arrive at the concept of energy efficiency in companies, si può partire da piccoli passi applicabili a tutti i livelli. Every employee can contribute in his or her own small way with simple changes in habits and shrewdness towards a more conscious consumption of energy.

5 practical methods for saving energy in companies

  1. Invite employees to use green means. Arriving at the office on foot or by bike, or sharing a car with other colleagues is a way to reinforce the team experience and embed the concept of energy saving in the company from the moment you reach the workplace.
  2. Regularly switch off machines that are not in operation. Here you enter directly into energy saving in the company: switching off lights, devices and machinery when they are not needed allows you to become aware of your own impact on energy waste.
  3. Improve air conditioning. In offices as well as in industrial areas, good air conditioning is good for workers. Properly insulating windows and using a new generation climate system will help overall energy savings.
  4. Do regular maintenance. Machinery that is malfunctioning tends to consume more energy and slows down production. Our e.boost software provides intuitive reports when something is wrong and how to fix it, including a predictive maintenance calendar.
  5. Unveil the hidden energy. That which is found in waste heat from industrial processes, but also from stoves and heating systems, and which is often wasted. With Veil Energy’s TEG products, it is possible to put it back into the circuit and reuse it efficiently. But also that which lies behind inefficiencies in energy use: e.g. the use of the STAND BY mode of energy consumers.

Facilitations for energy savings in companies

If certain processes are implemented on a daily basis and at all levels, it is already possible to improve energy savings in companies. However, there are some more complex and costly gestures that can make a difference in both long-term sustainability and financial savings for companies. Year after year, the European and national governments have introduced incentives for companies to save energy, which can improve overall sustainability without making too costly investments.

For example, the total or partial replacement of the electrical system with solar panels or other forms of clean energy is covered by the incentives, as is the replacement of the boiler for more efficient heating or the modification of window frames and insulating coats to reduce waste. All these actions may seem like a big investment, but thanks to state incentives, the expenditure is reduced or reimbursed to the company.

The side benefits of energy saving for companies

It should not be forgotten that improving energy savings in companies offers other benefits, including greater involvement of employees who share the values of sustainability and a competitive advantage in building partnerships with employees and investors interested in energy efficiency.

Moreover, the world of industry is increasingly moving towards an energy and sustainable transition. Therefore, starting to address these aspects now means responding to regulations that are already in place in some sectors and being prepared when they are enacted for other production sectors as well.